MiniMax RS232 TTL Multiform Interface – Pictures gallery
A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. So, two pictures are worth two thousand words, and three pic… oh, wait, I just heard my own conscience screaming “Hey, weirdo, what the heck are you trying to do?”.
In these pictures I show the last home baked PCB. It’s the MiniMax RS232 TTL Multiform Interface board. The pictures were taken to explain how to fit correctly the pin #7 from DB9 connector to the PCB with a single pin of a strip line 90 degrees connector. I hope no other words are necessary to explain what you can see clearly in the pictures. But, if you need any other explanations, please leave a comment below.
- 1) Detach a pin from a 90° stripline connector and remove the plastics.
- 2) Place the pin on the component side of the board
- 3) Better view of the layout of the DB9 connector and the placed pin.
- 4) On the component side, fit the pin so that it goes into the “tube” #7 of the DB9 connector
- 5) Another view of the fitted pin
- 6) If the pin is too long, just cut it
- 7) Start to solder DB9 connector to the PCB
- 8) Soldering completed. You all can do a better job than mine, don’t you?
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